Earn rewards on evaluations and resets!

Earn 2 points for every dollar spent on eligible products.

We also have double and triple points promotions from time to time. Please follow us on social media and keep an eye out for those!

NOTE: Elite Sim-Funded resets are excluded from the reward program
Product Points Needed
Fast Track - 100K Eval 3,750 1,313
Resets - Account Reset 3,750 1,725
Static Drawdown Evaluations - 100K Static Eval 6,750
Fast Track - 250K Eval 8,750 3,063
1 Step Evaluations - 50K Eval 8,250
1 Step Evaluations - 100K Eval 10,250
1 Step Evaluations - 150K Eval 14,750
End of Day Drawdown Evaluations - 50K Eval 14,750
Static Drawdown Evaluations - 150K Static Eval 15,000
Diamond Hands - 100K Eval 18,250
End of Day Drawdown Evaluations - 100K Eval 21,500
1 Step Evaluations - 250K Eval 25,750
1 Step Evaluations - 300K Eval 32,750
End of Day Drawdown Evaluations - 150K Eval 30,250